


  • Zambia
  • Health Human Resources
  • SDGs
  • Healthy hospital

Zambia celebrates 60 years of independenceTalking about Zambia Zambia's health situation and Japan's support

Date and time

November 21, 2024 (Thursday) 15:00-17:00 (doors open at 14:30)


Teikyo University, NPO Rocinantes, and the African Development Association will jointly hold "Talking about Zambia: Zambia's health situation and Japan's support." This event will celebrate the 60th anniversary of Zambia's independence, and will provide an opportunity to learn more about Zambia. It will also look back on Japan's activities in the health and medical field in Zambia, and feature lectures and panel discussions on the results and future activities.


Title] Opening Remarks
[Senior Assistant Professor] Teikyo University Graduate School Graduate School of Public Health Professor ?Global Office Committee Chair Yoshinori Nakata / African Development Association, Japan Chairman Tetsuro Yano

[Title] Introduction to Zambia
[Senior Assistant Professor] His Excellency Tobias Murimbika, Ambassador of Zambia to Japan

[Title] JICA's activities in the health sector in Zambia / SDGs: Activities in Zambia and other parts of Africa - Aiming to develop medical personnel
[Senior Assistant Professor] Hideki Yamamoto Professor, Teikyo University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

[Title] Rocinantes' activities in Zambia
[Senior Assistant Professor] Naoyuki Kawahara, Chairman of NPO Rocinantes

[Title] Panel Discussion: Japan's support for Zambia's future health care
[Senior Assistant Professor] Moderator: Ms. Akiko Hasegawa, Secretary General of the African Development Association

Detailed information


Tokyo International Conference on African Development Ministerial Meeting/TICAD9 Partner Project
"Talking about Zambia: Zambia's health situation and Japan's support"


Teikyo University Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization Teams Research "Africa Healthy Hospital Project"


African Development Association
NPO Rocinantes

Eligibility Requirements

General public, students

Entry fee


Number of applicants

100 people

How to apply

Please apply using the form below (online delivery is also available)
Apply here


You can participate on the day, but we recommend you apply in advance as seats are limited. You can also apply online in advance.


Hideki Yamamoto, Professor Teikyo University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


See Event List