


  • Social/Community Engagement

January 9, 2025

Hachioji CampusMedical Mycology Research Center received a letter of appreciation from the Hachioji City Elementary School Science Education Center.

On Monday, December 16, 2024, Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology received a letter of appreciation from the Hachioji City Elementary School Science Education Center in recognition of its activities in the Summer Children's Science Classes, which the center has been conducting since 1997.
Our Medical Mycology Research Center has been holding a summer children's science class in collaboration with the Hachioji Elementary School Science Education Center with the aim of improving the scientific interest and thinking ability of children attending Hachioji City elementary schools in nature. This year marked the 27th time the class has been held. The Center presented a letter of appreciation to the Center for Science Education in Hachioji Elementary Schools for their long-term contributions to the community.
Our school will continue to provide opportunities to increase interest in science to many children.

Related article: Hachioji City Summer Children's Science Classes Held
For details about Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology click here
Hachioji City Elementary School Science Education Center


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