


  • Education and Research

February 17, 2025

Itabashi CampusTeikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology held a training session for the Tokyo Elementary School Science Education Research Association alumni.

On Friday, November 29, 2024, Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology held a seminar to promote the development of elementary school education in Tokyo at the Teikyo University Itabashi Campus as part of a training session for the Tokyo Elementary School Science Education Research Association Alumni Association.

In recent years, elementary school education has rarely covered microbiology, and as a result, students are lagging behind in their understanding of disease-causing mold (pathogenic fungi). Microbiology is useful knowledge in a wide range of fields, from our daily lives to food, medicine, and environmental conservation, and a scientific understanding of pathogenic fungi, in particular, is essential.
This time, the program targeted former teachers with many years of experience in primary education at the time, and included a lecture on multidrug-resistant pathogens, which are currently a global problem, and measures to combat them. The program also included a tour of a state-of-the-art clinical microbiology research facility, and the importance of microbiology, including mycology, was shared with the participants.

We hope that this workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to reaffirm the position of microbiology in primary education in the future and will be an important step in reconstructing basic learning that will enable children to deepen their overall understanding of life sciences.

For more information about the Medical Mycology Research Center, click here


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