


  • International Exchange

February 19, 2025

Harvard Special Session heldItabashi Campus

Harvard Special Session was held at Teikyo University's Itabashi Campus from January 6th (Mon) to 24th (Fri), 2025. This lecture series is based on the academic partnership between our university and Harvard University, and this year marks the 13th time it has been held. It is an intensive lecture series of five subjects given by Graduate School of Public Health, but it is also a course for Graduate School in each medical department at Itabashi Campus Campus.

This year, we invited Professor Murray Mittleman, David Wypij, Ichiro Kawachi, Associate Professor Jaime Hart from the Harvard THChan Graduate School Public Health, and Professor Alastair Gray, Director of the Centre for Graduate School Economics Research University of Oxford. Each of them is a leading expert in their field, having published books that have become world-famous textbooks. The lectures were followed by lively Q&A sessions and small group discussions, providing an experience similar to that of a lecture in person.
This lecture was open to both inside and outside the university, and was attended by faculty and students from our Hachioji Campus and Utsunomiya Campus, as well as members of the general public from other universities and working adults. In addition, more students than last year participated from our academic partner universities, including Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, University of the Philippines, Manila, and Taipei Medical University, and they were able to deepen their international exchange through face-to-face meetings and other activities. More than 30 years have passed since our university and Harvard University signed an academic partnership in 1993, and we will continue to deepen our exchange in education and research, develop future human resources, and contribute to society.


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