The activated regulation of microglia in juvenile mental stress
The brain contains the other cells called a glia cells not only neurons. We investigate the regulatory mechanism of microglia cells involved in brain immunity. In this study, we focus the effects of the activity and function of microglia in juvenile mental stress, for example, maternal separation stress.
Synaptic dysfunction in the Glp Knockout mouse model of autistic model mouse.
Kleefstra syndrome (KS) is genetic mental disorder as autistic symptom. EHMT1/GLP is the responsible gene in this syndrome, which cause heterogyzous mutant. EHMT1/GLP protein encoded H3K9me, which represent a specific tag for epigenetic tanscriptional repression. In this study, we elucidate the neurological analysis in Glp Knock out (KO) mouse brain.
ニホンウナギ(Anguilla japonica)の温度に依存した性分化のメカニズム Temperature-dependent sexual differentiation mechanism in Japanese eel (Anguilla