In order to realize high-quality medical care, human resources who can utilize medical big data are required. This degree program aims to develop researchers and leaders who can apply knowledge of data science to the medical field and solve academic and social issues.
Program features
The Graduate Degree Program of Health Data Science is a cross-disciplinary curriculum consisting of various specialized fields organized beyond the framework of existing fields based on the collaboration of six graduate schools within the university, utilizing the graduate school interdisciplinary course system. is. To elucidate the causes of and prevent dementia and other central nervous system diseases by planning, implementing, and evaluating methods to solve academic and social issues using data in medical-related fields. We aim to develop researchers and instructors who can contribute to basic research on health care, research on preventive medicine tailored to individual constitutions, and the implementation (planning, implementation, and evaluation) of new medical services.
(Precautions when taking courses) Many classes, such as basic and specialized subjects, are held online, so a comfortable internet environment is required to take them.
Completion requirements Acquire 19 or more credits through the above study method, receive the necessary research guidance, and pass the doctoral dissertation review and oral examination.