Teikyo University Graduate School Admission Fee Reduction and Exemption System
The Graduate School of Teikyo University offers a reduction of the admission fee for students who graduated from Teikyo University Group graduate schools, universities, and junior colleges. If you are a graduate of a Teikyo University group school, but your last school was not a Teikyo University group school, please submit a certificate of graduation (completion) from a Teikyo University group school in addition to the application documents in order to apply for the reduction or exemption.
Target list
Graduate course
Eligibility Requirements
Amount of Reduction and Exemption
Graduate School of Medicine
Teikyo University School of Medicine
Entrance fee 100,000 yen
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School of Economics Graduate School of Law Graduate School of Liberal Arts Graduate School of Foreign Languages Graduate School of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology Graduate School of Health Sciences Graduate School of Teacher Education Graduate School of Public Health Graduate Degree Program of Comprehensive Applied Data Science Medical Data Science Program
Teikyo University, Teikyo Heisei University, Teikyo University of Science, Teikyo Junior College, Teikyo University Junior College, Interdisciplinary Course of Teikyology Junior College, Teikyo Heisei College of Nursing, Teikyo Senior Nursing School, Teikyo Welfare College, Teikyo Yamanashi School of Nursing, Pusat Bahasa Teikyo, UNITAS Japanese Language School, Teikyo Heisei University Japanese Language School, Sendagaya Institute of Japanese Language Education
Graduate Course of Midwifery
Teikyo University, Teikyo Heisei University, Teikyo University of Science
Tuition exemption system for those who passed the Graduate School of Teacher Education teacher employment examination
The aim is to contribute to the training of high-quality teachers by subsidizing tuition fees for students who have passed the selection process for hiring teachers at public schools (kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, or special support school). It is a system to See below for details.